Step by Step setup

There are two ways how to setup your AmbiScreen.
Simple way is as access point. More advanced way is for home wifi network. Both will be described below (images are clickable).

 This is Eye

 This is WiFiLED


Setup AmbiScreen as Access Point – Simple Setup (recommended)

This is the easiest way and the most convenient. WiFiLED will be connected to Eye’s access point wifi network. This will work when there are no wifi credentials stored in Eye (if you have stored home wifi credentials in your Eye device previously, go to Eye’s wifi settings and reactivate default wifi AP or reset device).
If your home wifi network is slow or you have many devices in it, you can see lag or flashing LEDs from time to time – in this case your best bet is to set “AmbiScreen as Access Point” as described here.

Note: WiFiLED device boots within few seconds. But Eye boots in 1-2 minutes, so it can be visible in accessible wifi networks list in 1-2 minutes after boot. Eye needs to be fully booted before WiFiLED can connect to Eye’s wifi access point.

  1. Turn on power on both Eye and WiFiLED.
  2. Connect to AmbiScreenWiFiLED network
  3. In web browser (e.g. Google Chrome) navigate to Then click  on last Settings Tab (down right) and insert network name (e.g. AmbiScreenEye_1A1A6DF2 but in your case last characters will be different according to step 2) and password “ambiscreen33” (without quotes). Click on Save&Reboot.   Once rebooted, unplug WiFiLED from power, wait 5 seconds and plug to power again.
  4. Connect to AmbiScreenWiFiLED network again and navigate via web browser to – Settings – and copy IP client address (in this case but your can be different)
  5. Connect to AmbiScreenEye_1A1A6DF2 network (but in your case last characters will be different)
  6. Navigate to and then click “Lite webapp for main Settings”
  7. Then go Settings – LEDs and in field WifiLED IP insert IP from step 4 (in our case, in your case it can be different). You can customize other Led settings on this page, too. Then click on save and your Eye and WiFiLED will be synchronized from now.

  8. When you save LEDs settings navigate to Settings – LiveView and setup 4 edges of your TV screen on picture. Click save.
  9. Alternatively you can use Finder to locate your Eye device, but in this setup it will have always IP In this setup Finder will not locate WiFiLED as single device, because Eye is master device for this case. If you want to use Finder, you need to connect to your home wifi first, then open in browser, then connect to Eye network and click on Detect button.
  10. Now you can set Eye’s webapp. When you open click on first option “Webapp on AmbiScreen Eye”. First of all you need to go to the last tab Device

    Add new device by clikcing on “+” icon

    Insert name of your Eye device (can be anything). In field Address insert and click on Add (this is useful if you have more AmbiScreen devices you can put them all together in one web app and control them without switching from one web app to another)

    Anytime you want to connect (or reconnect) webapp to your Eye, just click on tick icon

    Done! Now you can use web app to control colors, effects, settings, … of your Eye.
    Note: If your home wifi network is slow or you have many devices in it, you can see lag or flashing LEDs from time to time – in this case your best bet is to set “AmbiScreen as Access Point” as described above.
    Note 2: For successful detection Finder needs to be opened on the device (phone, laptop, tablet,…) in the same network as Eye and WiFiLED – it means you need to open Finder on device (e.g. computer, phone, …) which is connected to internet first (in your home wifi network) and then switch to Eye’s wifi access point so now you are in the same network as Eye and WiFiLED.

    Setup AmbiScreen as wifi client – Advanced Setup

    This setup is for advanced users as it may require additional knowledge because your home wifi network can have specific setup.

    Note 1: If your home wifi network is slow or you have many devices in it, you can see lag or flashing LEDs from time to time – in this case your best bet is to set “AmbiScreen as Access Point” as described above.
    Note 2: If you have wifi connection issues check that your wifi network is 2.4GHz only, it has short alphanumeric wifi network name without special characters (like e.g.apostrophes).

    Important: WiFiLED device boots within few seconds. But Eye boots in 1-2 minutes, so it can be visible in accessible wifi networks list in 1-2 minutes after boot.

    1. Turn on power on both Eye and WiFiLED.
    2. Connect to AmbiScreenWiFiLED network
    3. In web browser (e.g. Google Chrome) navigate to Then click  on last Settings Tab (down right) and insert your home network name (e.g. myWifiNetwork) and password “ambiscreen33” (without quotes). Click on Save&Reboot.   Once rebooted, unplug WiFiLED from power, wait 5 seconds and plug to power again.
    4. Connect to AmbiScreenWiFiLED network again and navigate via web browser to – Settings – and copy IP client address (in this case but your can be different)
    5. Connect to AmbiScreenEye_1A1A6DF2 network (but in your case last characters will be different)
    6. Navigate to and then click “Lite webapp for main Settings”
    7. Navigate to Settings – WiFi and insert you wifi name, password and click Save. Now Eye will reboot (on the page there will be timeout message after a while in browser window – this is correct) and after new boot Eye tries to connect to your wifi network. If your Eye does not reboot you can unplug it from power and plug it to power again.

      Note: This settings will turn off internal wifi AP on Eye so you will not see it in wifi networks broadcast list anymore (as in step 5). This is difference between Eye and WiFiLED, where Eye is not visible in network list with this setup but WiFiLED is visible continuously. If you don’t see internal AP, it does not mean that Eye is connected to your home wifi for 100%. If you want to know it for 100%, you can check it in your router (DHCP table list). If there is any problem, you can revert to default settings and access point by reseting device (e.g. if your router blocks connection for Eye, you filled in bad wifi name or password). Eye boot session takes 1-2 minutes.
    8. Now you can use Finder ( to locate your Eye device and WiFiLED with Detect button.
    9. Once Finder locates your devices, click on Eye for the next setup. Click on  “Lite webapp for main Settings”.
    10. Then go Settings – LEDs and in field WifiLED IP insert IP from step 4 (in our case, in your case it can be different). You can customize other Led settings on this page, too. Then click on save.

    11. When you save LEDs settings navigate to Settings – LiveView and setup 4 edges of your TV screen on picture. Click save.
    12. Now you can set Eye’s webapp. When you use Finder and click on Eye (you can go to Eye directly by opening its IP in web browser). Click on first option “Webapp on AmbiScreen Eye”. First of all you need to go to the last tab Device

      Add new device by clikcing on “+” icon

      Insert name of your Eye device (can be anything). In field Address insert IP from URL bar (in our case, in your case it will be different) and click on Add (this is useful if you have more AmbiScreen devices you can put them all together in one web app and control them without switching from one web app to another)

      Anytime you want to connect (or reconnect) webapp to your Eye, just click on tick icon

      Done! At this step Eye and WiFiLED should be connected and synced together. Now you can use web app to control colors, effects, settings, … of your Eye.

      Note 1: 
      When Eye controls WiFiLED, it means that Eye is master and you will not be able to control WiFiLED directly (you must use Eye to control it).
      Note 2: If your home wifi network is slow or you have many devices in it, you can see lag or flashing LEDs from time to time – in this case your best bet is to set “AmbiScreen as Access Point” as described above.
      Note 3: Finder needs to be opened on the device (phone, laptop, tablet,…) in the same network as Eye and WiFiLED – it means you need to open Finder on device (e.g. phone) which is connected to the same network as Eye and WiFiLED.


      Is your device loosing wifi connection? Try to place your Eye device closer to your router.

      Colors are different? Eye contains LiveView page (accessible via web app on Eye). If color of your liveview leds is not correct, try to check what Eye sees. Everytime you navigate or refresh LiveView page, new image is grabbed. You can access this image at liveview page or directly via http://IP_of_eye/app/diagnose/liveview.jpg (replace IP_of_eye with current IP address of Eye device).
      You can also go to Settings-LEDs of Eye and turn off color boosting with placing value 1.0. Or you can use other settings such as R,G,B values to adjust colors directly. Via webapp at Transform tab you can see these changes live (and later you can put these values in Settings-LEDs and save them to store it as default values).

      Try more tips for Eye
      Try more tips for WiFiLED

AmbiScreen WiFiLED Tips

If you have wifi connection issues check that your wifi network is 2.4GHz only, it has short alphanumeric wifi network name without special characters (like e.g.apostrophes).

Colors are different? Eye contains LiveView page (accessible via web app on Eye). If color of your liveview leds is not correct, try to check what Eye sees. Everytime you navigate or refresh LiveView page, new image is grabbed. You can access this image at liveview page or directly via http://IP_of_eye/app/diagnose/liveview.jpg (replace IP_of_eye with current IP address of Eye device).
You can also go to Settings-LEDs of Eye and turn off color boosting with placing value 1.0. Or you can use other settings such as R,G,B values to adjust colors directly. Via webapp at Transform tab you can see these changes live (and later you can put these values in Settings-LEDs and save them to store it as default values).

AmbiScreen WiFiLED wifi access point is just for initial setup (change of initial settings after first boot) or for change of home wifi network credentials.
AmbiScreen WiFiLED OTA password is “ambiscreenota”. We recommend to change this password.

While real-rime data flows from AmbiScreen Eye to WiFiLED, web app is not available on WiFiLED (also when more additional requests are made from various devices in home network during real-time connection, WiFiLED reboot can occur).
If last LEDs on strip are not used, you can see residual colors on last led chips. This is ok and residual color can go away. You can hide them behind screen panel.
When device is used for long run (several days), it can reboot itself once daily to ensure best functionality. It is recommended to set no color for WiFiLED start sequence via Settings to RGB value 0,0,0 (default factory color is yellow-orange).

When Eye is used for controlling AmbiScreen WiFiLED, then WiFiLED’s web app is not available (real-time mode is activated). If you want to control WiFiLED with its own web app, simply turn of AmbiScreen Eye or set another IP of WiFiLED in Eye’s settings.

AmbiScreen Eye and WiFiLED can work standalone with internal web apps in both devices.

If you want to have static IP addresses for your devices, set it in your router DHCP table.

When electricity is lost in your home, manual unplug of AmbiScreen Eye and WiFiLED is recommended. Eye and WiFiLED can automatically reboot when used for longer time. This feature is fully automatic for performing maintenance.

On longer LED strips (longer than 2.5m) voltage drop may occur and it is normal.

AmbiScreen WiFiLED Recover factory defaults

Standard factory reset:
Connect to AmbiScreenWiFiLED network and click on Settings tab. Now you can change all settings in all pages as desired. Alternatively, you can open page Security & Update setup, tick “Factory reset” and click n Save & Reboot button.


Just if you forgot your password to AmbiScreenWiFiLED network (hard reset):
Turn off device from power (IMPORTANT: when turning off/unplugging device from power always remove from device jack at connector side of device – that is the side where led connector is located).
Plug power and after 2-3 seconds unplug power (repeat this 3 times). On the next boot factory defaults will be recovered. Use hard reset with caution! It can brick your device if done in wrong manner.

AmbiScreen WiFiLED First start

If you have wifi connection issues check that your wifi network is 2.4GHz only, it has short alphanumeric wifi network name without special characters (like e.g.apostrophes).

After first start AmbiScreen Eye opens its own wifi access point. Connect to this “AmbiScreenWiFiLED” wi-fi network with password “ambiscreen33”. Navigate to via your web browser and setup your AmbiScreen Eye device via Settings page (count of LEDs, credentials for your home wi-fi ).
When you set your own wifi credentials for your home wifi click on Save. It is recommended to manually unplug device from power for 30 seconds and then power it again. If device is not able to connect to your home wifi, repeat this step or check wifi credentials. After initial value change power-cycling is recommended.

Once your device is set we recommend to use web app at to find all your devices. AmbiScreen Finder is able to locate AmbiScreen Eye and AmbiScreen WiFiLED in your network. You can place Finder to your mobile home screen via “Add to Home screen” button in mobile browser. Via Finder you can open AmbiScreen device in your network. Finder needs to be in the same network as Eye and WiFiLED – it means you need to open Finder on device (e.g. phone, computer, …) which is connected to the same network as Eye and WiFiLED.

Via Finder you can click on AmbiScreen devices and it shows you internal web app of WiFiLED (you can also navigate to it directly via IP in web browser the same way), or internal web app of Eye.

AmbiScreen WiFiLED LED strip installation

Correct placing of the LED strip is very important to ensure that the final effect is correct. You should make sure that the LED stripe is mounted symmetrically and at a consistently equal distance from the wall behind your display. LED stripe should not be placed too close to the wall, as this will cause a “spot light” effect. The recommended distance for best effect is 4 -15 cm from the wall but it may vary depending on your display, placement, and wall color.

LED installation surface must be smooth, clean and dry. Do not cover ventilating holes of your display. The part of LED components cannot be fixed on the surface of the sharp edge. LED Strip should not be collided or crushed.
When placing the LEDs, you should consider the following factors: Display distance from the wall (the bigger the screen is, the closer the LEDs should be placed to the edge of the back cover of your screen). The minimum distance of the LEDs from the visible wall area (the part of the wall you can see when watching your display should be at least 4 cm, otherwise you may get a “spotlight” effect.

When placing your LED strip at the back of your display – start with first LED in bottom left corner (facing back of your display) and go up, right, down and left. The first LED is the one from the long black connector wire going to WiFiLED device. Fasten LEDs at the back side of your display with self adhesive tape (included on the back part of the LED strip).
Fasten LED corners very carefully and gently to avoid LED strip snap or break.
Recommendation: Gently bent the LED strip in corners and let corners dangle to prevent LED damage and unsticking from surface.
Your package may contain comfortable fixing adhesive squares and plastic ties for your convenience. Place it especially to corners and regularly along to LEDs to fix your LED strip properly. Fastening tape on the back side of LED strip is not designed for repeatable attachments.

AmbiScreen Eye Tips

If you have wifi connection issues check that your wifi network is 2.4GHz only, it has short alphanumeric wifi network name without special characters (like e.g.apostrophes).

Is your device loosing wifi connection? Try to place your Eye device closer to your router.

Colors are different? Eye contains LiveView page (accessible via web app on Eye). If color of your liveview leds is not correct, try to check what Eye sees. Everytime you navigate or refresh LiveView page, new image is grabbed. You can access this image at liveview page or directly via http://IP_of_eye/app/diagnose/liveview.jpg (replace IP_of_eye with current IP address of Eye device).
You can also go to Settings-LEDs of Eye and turn off color boosting with placing value 1.0. Or you can use other settings such as R,G,B values to adjust colors directly. Via webapp at Transform tab you can see these changes live (and later you can put these values in Settings-LEDs and save them to store it as default values).

AmbiScreen Eye can be placed everywhere in the room. However, the best viewing experience is possible when Eye is placed in the right direction with screen. The best performance is in the dark room without light reflections.

Reflections from your screen can affect generated colors. It is standard physical behavior and not fault of Eye.

When Eye is used for controlling AmbiScreen WiFiLED, then WiFiLED’s web app is not available (real-time mode is activated). If you want to control WiFiLED with its own web app, simply turn of AmbiScreen Eye or set another IP of WiFiLED in Eye’s settings.

Many values of AmbiScreen Eye can be set. You can experiment with color values, speed values, frequency (update frequency and time will slow or speed up generated colors), etc. When e.g. Frequency is set too high, it can make your network inaccessible. In this case you can reset factory defaults of your device.

Ambient daylight in the room can have an impact on live camera mode colors. This is standard physical behavior and not the reason for claim or returning the product. To minimize daylight you can boost color power with higher HSV color gain setting.

Many color settings can be adjusted via web app live, or saved to standard settings. You can adjust colors on Transform tab and save it in Settings->LEDs.

By default, color boosting is activated with value 2.0. You can deactivate it or adjust it at LEDs setting page („HSV Color Value gain“ to 1.0 deactivates it). Color boosting is advantage during daylight. No boosting can be achieved with value 1.0. Color boosting means that colors will be boosted to show greater effect (it can boost specific colors too much, e.g. white to blueish, and similar).

AmbiScreen Eye contains also Lite web app. This is good for tweaking or when your Eye device is not accessible via standard web app (e.g. when some setting was corrupted). Lite web app is available by accessing IP of Eye directly via web browser.

When in web app connection with your Eye is lost (red information message), click on Color tab or Device tab and device and connection should be initiated again.

AmbiScreen Eye and WiFiLED can work standalone with internal web apps in both devices.

In package you can find small rubber cylinder. It can be used to adjust position of your AmbiScreen Eye device (you can replace standard legs with it to adjust the best position of Eye. Please use scissors to adjust leg length.).

If you want to have static IP addresses for your devices, set it in your router DHCP table.

When electricity is lost in your home, manual uplug of AmbiScreen Eye and WiFiLED is recommended. Eye and WiFiLED can automatically reboot when used for longer time. This feature is fully automatical for perfomring maintenance.

On longer LED strips (longer than 2.5m) voltage drop may occur and it is normal.

AmbiScreen Eye Recover factory defaults

There are two reset options:
1. Partial reset of several settings via web app.
2. Full factory reset: When AmbiScreen Eye is plugged to power after approx. 40 seconds red LED on the back of device is turned on for window of 5 seconds. If you unplug power during this window (e.g. 1-2 seconds when red led is on) and then plug in power again, factory defaults will be recovered on the boot. (IMPORTANT: when turning off device from power always remove from device microusb cable at connector side of device – that is the back side of device).

AmbiScreen Eye First start

If you have wifi connection issues check that your wifi network is 2.4GHz only, it has short alphanumeric wifi network name without special characters (like e.g.apostrophes).

After first start AmbiScreen Eye opens its own wifi access point. Connect to this “AmbiScreenEye” wi-fi network with password “ambiscreen33”. Navigate to via your web browser and setup your AmbiScreen Eye device via Settings page (count of LEDs and WiFiLED’s IP address via LEDs page, edges of your screen via LiveView page, credentials for your home wi-fi via Wi-Fi page).
When you set your own wifi credentials for your home wifi, device will reboot itself and connects to your home wifi.

How Eye sees area of your screen can be adjusted at LiveView page.

Once your device is set we recommend to use web app at to find all your devices. AmbiScreen Finder is able to locate AmbiScreen Eye and AmbiScreen WiFiLED in your network. You can place Finder to your mobile home screen via “Add to Home screen” button in mobile browser. Via Finder you can open AmbiScreen device in your network. Finder needs to be in the same network as Eye and WiFiLED – it means you need to open Finder on device (e.g. phone, computer, …) which is connected to the same network as Eye and WiFiLED.

Via Finder you can click on AmbiScreen devices and it shows you internal web app of Eye (you can also navigate to it directly via IP in web browser the same way), or internal web app of WiFiLED.
In Eye’s web app click on “Device” and then click “Detect” button to add your device (may take awhile) or use faster method click right top “+” and add your device, fill in new Name for your device and IP Address (IP of all your device you can find also in your router DHCP table).
Adding Eye on Device tab is needed because from the one web app of one Eye device you can even add and control more AmbiScreen devices in your home wifi. Once added, click on this device in checkbox to connect to it.

With AmbiScreen web app you can control your devices and change mood light, effects, change settings, etc. One AmbiScreen Eye can be used as a network hub for all your AmbiScreen devices. Boot time of Eye is approx. 1 minute.

If your device is connected to internet we recommend checking latest firmware version via “Settings -> Update”.

AmbiScreen Eye Position

Put AmbiScreen Eye in the room on the place where the camera on the Eye has full view to the screen of your display.

You can adjust live view via web app in Settings->LiveView. Just select 4 edges of your screen on the image and click on Save button.

Optimal Eye distance is ~2.5m away from screen but you can even place it everywhere in the room with greater distance.

AmbiScreen Eye More advanced Config.json manual configuration

These settings are for advanced users. You can break functionality of your device. Anytime you can restore original values via Lite web app.

	/// Color manipulation configuration used to tune the output colors to specific surroundings. 
	/// The configuration contains a list of color-transforms. Each transform contains the 
	/// following fields:
	///  * 'channelAdjustment'
	///  * 'id'   : The unique identifier of the channel adjustments (eg 'device_1')
	///  * 'leds'   : The indices (or index ranges) of the leds to which this channel adjustment applies
	///             (eg '0-5, 9, 11, 12-17'). The indices are zero based.
	///  * 'pureRed'/'pureGreen'/'pureBlue' : The manipulation in the Red-Green-Blue color domain with the 
	///                           following tuning parameters for each channel:
	///  * 'temperature'
	///  * 'id'   : The unique identifier of the temperature (eg 'device_1')
	///  * 'leds'   : The indices (or index ranges) of the leds to which this temperature applies
	///             (eg '0-5, 9, 11, 12-17'). The indices are zero based.
	///  * 'red'/'green'/'blue' : The temperature manipulation in the Red-Green-Blue color domain with the 
	///                           following tuning parameters for each channel:
	///  * 'transform'
	///  * 'id'   : The unique identifier of the color transformation (eg 'device_1')
	///  * 'leds' : The indices (or index ranges) of the leds to which this color transform applies
	///             (eg '0-5, 9, 11, 12-17'). The indices are zero based.
	///  * 'hsv' : The manipulation in the Hue-Saturation-Value color domain with the following 
	///            tuning parameters:
	///            - 'saturationGain'  The gain adjustement of the saturation
	///            - 'luminanceGain'       The gain adjustement of the luminance
	///            - 'luminanceMinimum'    The minimum luminance (backlight)
	///  * 'red'/'green'/'blue' : The manipulation in the Red-Green-Blue color domain with the 
	///                           following tuning parameters for each channel:
	///            - 'threshold'       The minimum required input value for the channel to be on 
	///                                (else zero)
	///            - 'gamma'           The gamma-curve correction factor
	/// Next to the list with color transforms there is also a smoothing option.
	///  * 'smoothing' : Smoothing of the colors in the time-domain with the following tuning 
	///                  parameters:
	///            - 'type'            The type of smoothing algorithm ('linear' or 'none')
	///            - 'time_ms'         The time constant for smoothing algorithm in milliseconds
	///            - 'updateFrequency' The update frequency of the leds in Hz
	///            - 'updateDelay'     The delay of the output to leds (in periods of smoothing)
	"color" :
		"channelAdjustment" :
				"id"   : "default",
				"leds" : "*",
				"pureRed" :
					"redChannel"   : 255,
					"greenChannel" : 0,
					"blueChannel"  : 0
				"pureGreen" :
					"redChannel"   : 0,
					"greenChannel" : 255,
					"blueChannel"  : 0
				"pureBlue" :
					"redChannel"   : 0,
					"greenChannel" : 0,
					"blueChannel"  : 255
		"temperature" :
				"id"   : "default",
				"leds" : "*",
				"temperatureValues" :
					"red"   : 255,
					"green" : 255,
					"blue"  : 255
		"transform" :
				"id"   : "default",
				"leds" : "*",
				"hsl" :
					"saturationGain"   : 1.0000,
					"luminanceGain"    : 1.0000,
					"luminanceMinimum" : 0.0000
				"red" :
					"threshold" : 0.0000,
					"gamma"     : 2.5000
				"green" :
					"threshold" : 0.0000,
					"gamma"     : 2.5000
				"blue" :
					"threshold" : 0.0000,
					"gamma"     : 2.5000

		"smoothing" :
			"type"            : "linear",
			"time_ms"         : 200,
			"updateFrequency" : 20.0000,
			"updateDelay"     : 0,
			"continuousOutput": true